Published onFebruary 4, 2024Secure Terraform CICD with GitHub Actions and OIDC in AWShow-toawsidentityobject-storeiacterraformgithubdevopsSetup secure Terraform CICD with GitHub Actions authenticated by a GitHub OIDC federated IAM roles according to best practices
Published onDecember 3, 2023Setup a Terraform S3 Remote State in AWShow-toawsidentityobject-storagenosqliacterraformCreate a Terraform project and required infrastructure for a remote S3 backend with state locking (S3 & DynamoDB) in AWS. Apply with the remote backend and observe how the backend infrastructure works together to protect your state
Published onNovember 19, 2023Create a Simple Terraform Project in AWShow-toawsidentityobject-storagecliiacterraformCreate a simple Terraform project in AWS where you deploy a simple S3 bucket authenticated by AWS CLI